Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun

This year we went back to our in-laws house to trunk-or-treat. Emma dressed up as a flower, the same costume that Madison wore when she was her age. Madison was a Bumble Bee. I dressed up in Madison's hula costume that her aunt brought back from Hawaii. We got more than enough candy and had so much fun that we were too tired to do any extra trick-or-treating. Nick, Madison, Grandma Skabelund and I carved some pumpkins earlier in the day to decorate our trunk for the trunk-or-treat. I ended up carving three while Nick worked laboriously on one. Madison and Grandma helped by de-gunking the innards of the pumpkins. It was a fun family activity. The pumpkins weren't world-class, but we had fun anyway.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cornbelly's Pumpkin Fest 2009

We took the girls to the Thanksgiving Point Cornbelly's Pumpkinfest this last Saturday. It was so much fun. The girls had a blast and Emma squealed with delight at every new thing.

I can't believe I live here

I got up this morning and looked out the window to this view. I've lived in Utah for close to 10 years now and I still can't help but be taken aback constantly at how beautiful the view is. The mountains are just amazing to me. I feel so blessed to live in such a beautiful place.

Madison and I made this gumdrop ball wreath after we saw the one Martha Stewart made on her website. It was super easy and cost less than $8.oo total to make. We just hot glued the gumdrops to a styrofoam ball. It was fun for Madison that she was finally old enough to help with crafts like this.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Pumpkin Patch Adventure

We went to the local pumpkin patch this last Saturday. It was fun to take the girls and our dog, Sweet Pea, to pick out some pumpkins. It was just a fun afternoon activity.

This pumpkin reminded me of the Cinderella pumpkin.