Memorial Day weekend was so much fun, but exhausting. First, we took the girls to Hogle Zoo. It wasn't as fun as last time we went, but it did start raining (a little bit) at the end. They had a very small MADAGASCAR exhibit. Not really worth seeing, since there were only two things in the exhibit. Emma wasn't very impressed with anything except for a little cotton-tail rabbit that she kept trying to hug and kiss and a squirrel that was on crack and running all over the place. Hogle Zoo has all sorts of statues and we always take pictures with them. Emma was terrified of this gorilla and she would go near it unless I held her.

Then, we stayed at the Grand America Hotel for a night in SLC. We stayed there once before when I was pregnant with Madison. This place is AMAZING!!! 5-Star all the way. I've never seen so much marble in all my life. Although...I wasn't too happy that the air-conditioner didn't work!!! I was miserable all night. Stupid old hotel.

Anyway, next we went to the Thanksgiving Point Museum of Ancient Life (aka the world's largest dinosaur museum. We love it there. We've gone 6 times or so in the last few years. It has some amazing dino exhibits, plus they have a 3-D IMAX theatre, trilobite/boring rock stuff/nick's favorite hobby/rocks that inhabit every inch of my house exhibit. For all of you lucky folks who don't know what a trilobite is, I took a picture of a display they had. Imagine my house full of large slabs of rocks with these all over the place. Anyway, they also have this really cool exhibit where they let the kids play in the sand and water and create dams and islands, etc. Also, they have a fossil dig site that the kids can climb into and dig for fossils. It's pretty cool. Or maybe we're not so cool, but we like it.

We also went to temple square for a while and the girls were playing in the reflecting pond, so I had to take a few pictures. I know they aren't supposed to play in it, but it was so darn cute. There was this couple that just got married in the temple and were taking pictures outside. When they walked past us, Madison, out-of-the-blue asked them if they had gotten married in the temple. It was super cute and they were caught off guard. It was pretty cute.

Madison helped Grandpa Skabelund plant a garden on Monday, which thrilled her to no end because she has been asking to do that for months now. All we have currently is a large pile of rocks surrounding our rental. She did get to plant a small garden in Spring Creek. She was so proud of herself when she actually grew some mini watermelons and carrots. It did help a little bit that the garden just so happened to be over the septic tank. Oops! They also spent the day on the four-wheeler with Grandpa and playing on their bikes, and running with the dogs.