Finally, a place that I can decorate for Halloween! We are actually going to get trick-or-treaters this year, so I'll have to buy some candy.
My HUGE Master Bathtub!!!
Stairway leading down from the top floor/bedrooms.
Only half of the backyard that I mowed for the first time. The lawnmower was really old and heavy that I borrowed, so I was sore for days after. I love it, though!
The basement is slowly getting decluttered and unpacked. It looks even better than when I took the picture.
Nick's "rock room" in the basement. That's right, nothing but rocks/fossils in there.
My kitchen is slowly but surely becoming functional. We finally had a refridgerator delivered, but as you can see from the photo, if you look closely, the pantry door will not shut now. The builder is supposed to come back and fix that little miscalculation, but hasn't shown up yet. We'll see.
The living room on the main floor. This is what I get to look at when I'm in the kitchen. Notice the flat screen tv box that has yet to be hung above the fireplace. I'll never miss the news while cooking dinner again!
The formal living room on the main floor, just as you walk in the front door. It will change a lot, like the armoire is headed downstairs to hold a tv, but for know at least it looks good when people come to visit. Which is pretty much every night here. This neighborhood is ridiculously friendly.
The master bedroom's closet. It's still a work-in-progress. I can't figure out the right way to put stuff in so it fits and is actually functional.
Madison's walk-in closet in her bedroom. I know, she is definitely spoiled. Okay, so am I, but who cares. Not me!
Madison's room is still a work-in-progress, too, but at least her bed is in the right spot and her clothes are in the closet.
I put this awesome vinyl art chandelier on her wall a couple nights ago. So, at least I'm decorating a little bit. It was the best deal from Tai Pan Trading for $11.94 this summer. Love it!
As for Emma's room. It is not even close to being done. I really can't find the majority of her clothes.
This is the girls bathroom, so far. We haven't actually used it yet, even though it is right next to their bedrooms. The hot water is permanently turned on. That's one more thing that Bob, our builder, we call him "bob the builder," needs to come and fix for us soon. Please!!!!
Either way, I love my new house!!!