I tried really hard to discourage Madison from wearing this flower headband, which is actually Emma's. Malia laughed at her that morning and then told her it was cute, so she insisted on wearing it just like that.
Plus, Madison is starting kindergarten this fall, so it was her very first time school shopping. So, we went to a few places and passed by this Build-A-Bear Workshop. I knew Malia loved it and Madison and I had never been to one, so we decided to do it.
They both ended up getting a dog. Malia's is a girl named Lydia, because when she first got here Madison kept calling her that, for some reason, until she learned her name. Silly girl. Malia thought it was funny. Madison's dog was a boy that she named "Big Daddy" because our big dog named Big Daddy just died of cancer a few weeks ago and she wanted something to snuggle at night. I find her talking to it all the time and taking it with us to the store. We had the opportunity to teach her about heaven and she was happy to learn that Big Daddy is waiting in heaven for us to live with him again.
By the end of the day, it was really hot again, so we went to the Gateway Fountains again to cool off. Emma was exhausted and decided to sit this one out and just watch Malia and Madison get soaked.
Nice "spirit fingers" Malia!