We went to SLC to the LDS Church History Museum with some of our friends from church. I would have taken more pictures, but my camera battery went dead.
Here's Madison posing next to an artist's rendition of the liahona. She insisted that I take her picture in front of this one.
There were a lot of pioneer stuff for the kids to look at and learn about how they came across the plains in wagons and how they came across the ocean by ship. There was a replica of a ship's sleeping quarter's that the kids could climb into. Wish I had a picture of that.
After the museum, we went down the street to Gateway Mall and cooled off in their outdoor water feature. The girls had so much fun running back and forth into the jet spray and out of the water bursts. It was a good way to finish off the day. Or so we thought...when we got to the car...it wouldn't start. So we had to call Nick to come and jump start the car. Since we were all in SLC, what else was there to do? IKEA!!! We went there and by the time we had finished and driven back towards home, the freeway was closed and...suprise, suprise...I'm terrible at driving around detours in SLC. It took me six different tries and an extra hour to get home. I was so mad...until I realized that Nick had the same problems and got home even later than me!!! We both had to laugh.
So, during all of those stupid wrong turns and wrong exits onto wrong freeways, I turned around to see this and had to take several pictures. It was hilarious. They were so worn out that they just collapsed in the back seat! Now that's what I call a successfully fun day!