Friday, September 4, 2009

Jacob City Trail on a Sunday Afternoon

Just north of Tooele is a canyon that we wanted to explore on a sunday afternoon. Jacob City Trail gave us some gorgeous views of Tooele valley and also of where Nick works, at the Army Chemical Depot.

First, we hiked up to the top of this little hill and posed for pictures, of course. We can't go anywhere without posing for pictures, thanks to me. I insisted that I be in at least one of them.

This is a far off shot of the Army Chemical Depot. Nick works in the farthest set of buildings.

Don't ask. I have no idea what Emma is doing. Madison and her are always sticking that silly flower on their heads and then refusing to take it off. Oh, well. It makes for some comical shots.

And of course, we can't go anywhere (and I really mean it) without looking for some fossils. Madison made sure to grab Daddy's rock hammer before we hiked up the road.

Madison is at the funniest stage right now. She has these poses that she does for pictures. She can't just stand there and smile, she has to "pose." Silly girl.

Another picture of the valley around Nick's work. It is sooooo pretty.